Frequently Asked Questions


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Yes, Wishspain is completely free for buyers, tenants and users who wish to follow our offer and services. Therefore, they can create an user account on Wishspain which is completely free and which provides special features as for example saving search criteria & favorite properties, as well as autocomplete function for contact forms when contacting real estate agencies and much more. You can do so by clicking on the icon located on the right upper corner on the website and selecting “Register”.

Also, the subscription to our newsletter in order to get alerts about the latest news, offers and features is also completely free.

Wishspain is an online platform which has been specially created for professional (registered) real estate businesses with good reputation, who wish to promote their property portfolio and reach more potential buyers. Therefore, private advertisers will not be able to place ads on Wishspain.

Wishspain has been created to offer to our appreciated users a more secure way to deal with properties in Spain. We are very aware that it is not easy to find real estate businesses who are worth to trust. This is why our real estate portal is exclusively accessible to registered real estate businesses. Before we accept to include a realtor, our quality-management-team runs a background check. But please note that we can guarantee to our users the behavior of a real estate business who is offering properties on our platform. Nevertheless, we are investing all our efforts in order to provide the best possible experience to our users.

Wishspain counts with the latest security technology and precautions. Any private or financial information of our users is being stored on our extremely secured servers. Nevertheless, the World Wide Web is a public place where security breaches are always a factor which should be taken into account. No online provider, nor the biggest technology company, will be able to assure a warranty to their users. Anyways, we can promise you that we are working hard to keep our platform a secure place for all our users.Β 

The answer is Yes. One of Wishspain’s main business policies is to promote highly professional real estate business who are working hard to offer the very best property portfolio and provide a highly efficient service to their clients. On the other hand, we are also working hard in providing our users who are looking for beautiful Spanish properties, with an userfriendly interface with helpful features in order to help them find the property of their dreams.

As is a monthly based subscription platform, you can cancel your business plan when ever you wish. So once your payment has been processed, we are not able to manage the refund. Nevertheless, please remember that you are free to go when ever you wish. On Wishspain we do not practice penalty-terms nor hidden fee-policies.

No, Wishspain is a subscription based online platform with flexible cancellation policy. That means that a professional advertiser who has purchased a subscription plan on our platform, will be able to cancel it at any moment. Nevertheless, we do not refund already processed payments. For example, if you subscribe today a business plan on Wishspain and you cancel it tomorrow, future payments will not be processed, but the first payment will not be refunded.

You can access to our Wishspain Privacy Policy by clicking on the link located in the footer area of the website. You will see a Help section with all the important links you need to get more information about Wishspain, as well as how to get in touch with us. You will also find direct links to other important contents such as our Terms and Conditions page.

Please feel free to send us an email to We will be glad to help you anytime.

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